Wednesday, February 3, 2016

“More homes, fewer homeowners”
            In 2005, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in presidential debates announced he would provide housing for all Iranian families. It was also considered as the way to control housing price. Mehr housing project defined to abiding his promise.
            Maskan-e Mehr project is a housing project which has dedicated to people with low income per month. The aim of this kind of construction is making many small houses with an average of 75 square meters per unit of infrastructure to reduce costs and eliminating the cost of the full price structure. All applicants introduced according to the plan without housing in the form of housing cooperatives and according to the recent data in the groups with less than ten members introduced according to the plan of cooperatives and a city housing and urbanism.
            Some families took this, as an advantage to move to better cities, some use it as an investigation for their older children and the only group who experienced lots of problems, was the ones that this project defined for them.
Apparently, a lack of sociological and psychological understanding of the complex social and individual needs of contemporary humans constitutes a major problem in developmental policies and programs, including Mehr housing. Some units never got completed for owners to move in. Some contractors kept asking for more money and some families moved to incomplete units. There are not enough schools, hospitals and other facilities in every complex.
            Residents came from different backgrounds and it is hard to shape intimate communities. Living in these anonymous complexes could cause alienation for residents and lack of life satisfaction. Since life satisfaction is very important to society’s stability, welfare, and the reduction of social problems, studying this issue and its role in social planning becomes necessary.
            After years of starting this project, scholars started to investigates the performance of Maskan-e Meh project. The necessity of its construction its negative and positive effects, the strategies and proposals, and finally it has concluded that the Mehr Housing project if there is urban management supervision can solve the problems of country housing.

Video of one of the incompleted complexes:
Maskan-e Mehr resident’s satisfaction measurement by city management approach (The case of Bustan complex in New Hashtgerd city):
Evaluating the Outsourcing Performance in Implementing Development Projects Using Analysis of Hierarchical Process (AHP) Technique (Case Study: Mehr Housing Project)

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