McFarlane, C. The city as assemblage: dwelling and urban space. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. 2011; 29:649-671
McFarlane, C. Assemblage and critical urbanism. City. 2011;15(2):204-224
Brenner, Neil, David J. Madden and David Wachsmuth, “Assemblage urbanism and the challenges of critical urban theory,” City, 15, 2-11. 15(2): 225-240.
Bennett, Jane. 2005."The Agency of Assemblages and the North American Blackout." Public Culture 17(3): 445–65.
Another suggestions for foundational reading on infrastructure:
Star, Susan L 1999 The
Ethnography of Infrastructure. American Behavioral Scientist 43(3):377-391.
Thanks, Prof. Schwenkel!